86 Items

Great News…. You can 86 any items for your restaurant at any time by following the directions below. This one step will pause all Third Party and Online Ordering at the same time

  1. Log in to the Dashboard at https://my.olo.com
    1. Click on the link above to take you directly there…..
    • Please note that the password was set and is maintained at the restaurant level. If you do not know it, please ask your team. IT cannot look it up. We can change the password.
  2. Click on the Menus tab on the left side of the screen

  3. Click Manage Store Menu
  4. Select the store(s) for whose menu you’d like to update (These are all the store(s) you have access to).

  5. Click a category to expand the list of products (e.g. Appetizers)
  6. Click on 86 Availability for the product you want to remove

  7. A pop-up window titled (86) Availability Actions will appear asking you to re-confirm the selection.

  8. Click Save if you want to make the changes.
  9. Once you click save, the product will disappear from your online menu. On the store menu within Olo menu admin, a note will appear next to the 86’d items, indicating that they have been set as unavailable (86’d).

  10. *To show the product in the menu once again, you need to “Un-86” it. To do this click on the “86 Availability” button once again.